Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The first day of school.

          The school year is starting again.  Today is the first day of school for my family here in western Washington.  While the kids debate whether to mourn the end of summer vacation or if school should be celebrated, mom is not so quietly dancing in the corner.  Those of you with school age children understand the sentiment.  As much as you love the pains in our rears, by month 2 of summer vacation you are ready for them to be out of your house.  You look forward to having the house free of that many mouths screaming for attention, reduced noise level that doesn't mean you should worry, and one less voice at 10 am asking, "what's for lunch?"
          I know my wife is jumping for joy.  She actually smiled when she asked me to remind her to set her alarm.  The kids, on the other hand, are indifferent.  They get to see their friends, but they are back in school.  I remember sarting off each school year with a bit of confusion as I had to learn all about new teachers and new classrooms.  Then the first day actually started and I had to jump into learning.  The funny thing is that is all I really remember about the first day of school.  I look forward to hearing how the day went with them when I get home.
          I am still a bit out of it so I think I will call this post done for now.  Thanks for reading and, as always have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I feel for the teachers. The first couple of weeks has been called the "Honey Moon Period." My first year of teaching, I couldn't sleep. I told my fellow teacher (also the department head) that I couldn't sleep, and his reply, "Joe after 20 years, I can't sleep the first day of classes."

    Poor teachers. The financial crunch is heavy everywhere. I have talked with teachers in Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The down economy and reduced revenue from deflated property is driving school into some desperate times. My best advice to parents, be involved, be supportive. Teachers do better when their watched, and they feel better when they are supported. Cheers!
