As you may have noticed, I haven't posted in a couple days. There is one good reason and one bad reason for this. The bad reason is that, on Tuesday, I didn't feel like it. It wasn't anything in particular, I just didn't have anything constructive to say so I chose not to post. In retrospect I should have posted another answer that I gave my sons as I have done in the past, but I failed. The good reason is that, yesterday, the guys came to put in my septic tank so I was involved in that all day. Which turned out to be a bit of a waste as the only thing they got done was removing my old oil tank. That was a bit angering, We replaced the tank based on information that it was leaking because sediment was found in the oil filter during servicing. When the tank was pulled, it looked good. In fact, it still had oil in it and didn't leak. talk about a bummer. Oh well, one less thing to mow around.
Now for today's post. There is a piece of legislation going around that the Democrats would have us believe is part of the Republican's war on women. You may have heard of it, it is the pay equality act, or something similar. It is supposed to ensure women get equal pay. This is a piece of useless legislation at best and downright political maneuvering in any other case. Why? First off, let's get the idea that I am against equal pay for women out of the way. I am not. I have always been a big supporter of equal pay for equal work. It is right and what is fair and I won't deny it.
Now on to why this is a piece of legislation that makes no sense. I would like someone to show me a job that women get paid less for doing the same work as their male counter parts. I couldn't find one. I found stats showing that over all women got paid less than men, on average, across the US, including all jobs. But when you delve into it the average used is done wrong. First off it includes all jobs including ones that are typically avoided by women, such as construction, deep sea fishing, window cleaning (I am kidding there), and other high risk jobs. I am not saying that women don't or can't do them, I am saying they are typically avoided by women. Secondly, the average does not take into account for longevity. This is a major factor in a lot of jobs. For instance, until recently, the majority of CEO's were men. This wasn't because of sexism as feminists would have you believe, but because the position of CEO is typically filled by someone that has a track record of efficient leadership. This can only be achieved through experience and time. In other words, in order for there to be women as CEO's there have to have been women as VP's and on down the line. Of course there is going to be a disparity here since men have been in the work place longer. Factor in the fact that a lot of women leave the work place to have a family and that those that stay are outnumbered as they move up the ladder and you can see why this may be.
Now for the real shocker. For the most part (professional sports excluded), women get paid as much, or more than their male counter parts. This is from data that compares job to job. It took an average of all men and women working in the same area in the same jobs during the same time frames. Which makes sense as it is comparing the same things. Think about it, if you compared your end of year totals with your coworker and you worked twice as many hours as he did, would you consider it fair if your boss paid him the same amount based on pay equality? Or what if you went in to work one day and found that the new intern was getting the same pay as you, even though you were a manager, because there is a pay gap. This is what the act to fix the purported pay gap is trying to do.
Overall, it was a piece of legislation that served no purpose, wasted time and money, and was strictly to give the appearance that Republicans hate women. Oh, did I mention that the bill required added funding in a time when we are trying to make budget cuts? So the Republicans voted against wasting tax payer money on a bill that served no purpose and they are being castigated for it. Makes sense to me (please note that the last statement was made with the highest level of sarcasm possible).
Thanks for reading and, as always, have a great day.
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