As this is the last post of the week due to the holiday, I felt that I should write on what this country means to me. Although I believe that John Wayne did it better (look up his "America, Why I love her), I will try my best to put my feelings on her into words we can all agree with (or at least not get angry over).
America, to me, is a country that means freedom. This, by itself, is not enough to make her great or enamor me to her. No, America draws me home for so many more reasons. While its lands are vast and its sights awe inspiring, it is her way of life that keeps bringing me back. Oh, we have our problems, but, then, who doesn't? We pride ourselves in our freedoms. Freedoms that few countries truly have. Freedom to say what we will about our government and debate its merits or pitfalls openly and without fear. Freedom to worship or not as we see fit. Freedom to choose how we spend our lives.
America has been called the land of opportunity, and rightly so. This doesn't mean it is given to you and you are guaranteed success, only that you have the freedom to chase your dream as hard as you want. If you decide it is to hard and you don't want to pursue it it is your choice, no one can, or is allowed to, make that decision for you. Yet, you also have the freedom to go where you wish within this nation to chase your dreams. So many come here, not because life is easier, but because it is freer.
America is not perfect, no land where humans lives ever will be, but it is a place you can call home. The American dream is to own our own chunk of land. A parcel we can call our own and use as we will. We are granted the ability to not just vote, but to write to and speak with those we vote for. We are allowed to see our government in operation and the freedom to at least read what it does. While we may not agree on what has been done or will be done, we have the freedom to debate it.
Why do I love America? She is the mother of freedom and the guiding light of democracy. Though that light may dim at times and freedoms may falter, the light always returns to shine brighter and the freedoms return to stand stronger. When endangered she rises up and stands together, her light shining brighter than the sun and bringing even those who are unhappy with her to her call. She leads where others dare not tread and stands where others would fall.
America is a nation of passion. We share what we are passionate about freely, without fear. We are granted the ability to follow our beliefs where and how we will. We are allowed to share those beliefs freely and invite others in. Thank God for that freedom.
In closing, I believe I can sum this up by simply saying that America is a land where we get to be who we choose to be, how we choose to be, when we choose to be, and where we choose to be. It is all a matter of personal choice, a choice we are free to make. God bless America. Have a great Independence Day!
Thanks for reading and, as always, thanks for reading.
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