The wife and I managed to figure out our phone issues. Come December (the end of our current contract) we are going to shift over to a net 10 phone. This is due to the fact that we don't use them all that much. This just makes a bit more sense than a monthly bill and a lengthy contract. Especially sense we don't know where we will be in a year after I retire. It just makes sense to have a pay as you go plan that reflects what we use, vice a contract that is more than we need. The good thing is our number should not change so the only inconvenience will be to us as we have to transfer all of our contacts. But that is in December and we are still in October.
I really don't have a lot to go over right now, so here does nothing. I am hoping I get off a bit early today as I have been the late guy 2 times a week for the past two weeks. It doesn't make me any happier that I was here until 1430 last Friday when everyone else left at 1015. But, then again, it is my job and no one ever said it was fair. Why have one standard when you can have two. That's just me complaining though. It's not like it's a hard job. Just boring and long. Makes it all the more annoying when you see others leaving at noon and you are stuck here all day every day, just because you refuse to make up reasons to leave early. Oh well. I am sure there is more to it than I realize.
I hope to be able to enjoy this weekend. That may not be possible since they rewrote the overtime schedule. Turns out this is now my weekend. If they need military for overtime, I will be one of those they use. I am currently only scheduled as on call Monday, which usually means I won't have to worry about it. It isn't official yet though, so I may end up working this weekend. That sucks a bit because I wanted to take the kids over to Seattle Monday since we just don't have time to do anything as a family with our current schedule. We'll see how it works though. I hate disappointing my kids.
Speaking of the kids, I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday. Ended up one short of 6 dozen. If I had been a little neater as I made them, I probably would have had that last cookie. Oh well, you can't win them all.
That's about it for this week. Just a reminder that, with Columbus day next Monday, there won't be a Manic Monday post (unless I decide to get angry Tuesday). Have a great weekend and smile at whatever comes to mind. Enjoy.
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