Thursday, February 2, 2012

The news: if it bleeds it leads, if it doesn't bleed, cut it so it does.

           Today, I want to touch on a couple of things I read in the news.  The first is a non profit that changed its rules and thus eliminated its contributions to one charity.  I am sure you have heard of this.  I can't remember the non-profit's name, but the charity that got cut out was Planned Parenthood.  As I read the story, certain questions leaped out at me.  The first is, does the non-profit support other organizations or people?  The answer, by the way, is yes, a lot of them.  The second is did the non-profit cut any others out?  Once again, the answer is yes.  If you look up the non-profit, you find that they also directly supports women.  This means that they provide money for exams and treatment directly to women.  This means that the rule also applies to the women.  Would you want to give money to a woman who is under investigation for fraud, or any other reason for that matter?  Yet, for some reason, the news chose to concentrate on the loss to planned parenthood.  As I listened to the news programs, they made it sound like the non-profit changed their rules, just so they could target planned parenthood.  The news chose to do this because they get to mention abortion (always a hot topic) as a reason for the loss.  Maybe, in an indirect way, this is true.  The fact that Planned Parenthood is under federal investigation (the reason they lost funding) for using federal funds to provide abortions (illegal under current law).  So yes, in a round about way, Planned Parenthood lost funding due to abortion.  By those same terms we can say that Planned Parenthood condones underage sex, they provide contraception and sex ed to underage girls and boys so they must condone it.  Or is that to much of a stretch?
               Sorry, went off a little bit.  Now, I can't remember the second thing I was going to go off on.  I guess I can start with a quick update on a couple things.  It is official, I am not going to swings, I am going to graves.  It is only for a month, but at least it means that I can continue to be involved in AWANA without interruption.  This also means I should be able to do a good amount of research.  I did a little yesterday.I found that every single candidate for the presidency is independently wealthy.  And that is by their own admission.  for that reason, I decided to look at how they got their money.  Did they inherit it or did they "earn" it.  I will only touch on it briefly as I think it is important to understand just how much these candidates can sympathize with us common folk. 
             That's about it for today.  Thanks for reading and, as always, have a great day.

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