Today was interesting. I woke up after only 3 hours of sleep and was unable to go back to sleep. about 2 hours later I passed out on the couch for 4 hours. It felt good, but I still missed the sleep. This is the main reason I hate Graves. It sucks the energy right out of you. I found that it takes about a month and a half to get used to the schedule enough so you actually start to get regular sleep during the week. The problem is I am only on it for a month. Which leads to the second problem, it takes at least a week to get back on a normal schedule regardless of how long you were on graves. The other problem with graves is that I get sick the first week or so of the shift because my body's way of protesting is to shut down any function that it feels is inconsequential. I still haven't figured out how it determines order of importance, but apparently the sickness prevention portion is at the bottom of the list because it is the first section to be cut. I have a cold that is absolutely horrid.
I actually don't have a lot to say. I drained every conscious thought into yesterday's post and thus have a mild case of writers block. Besides, I could use the time for my candidate research.
Thanks for reading and, as always, have a great day.
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