Things don't always go as we hoped and nothing is predictable. Sure the sun rises in the morning, but can you honestly say for a certainty that you will see it. Or even that it will shine through the clouds in the sky. We try to predict things based on past events or even scientific principles, but we still end up surprised fairly regularly. It isn't so much science failing us or lack of information. It isn't even a lack of knowledge or data. It is simply that no one can predict the future with 100% accuracy.
This is an amazing fact to me. No matter how hard we try, we are continually surprised by the unexpected. A particle that does the impossible, exceeding the speed of light. A planet where it shouldn't be. The list could go on and on. The reality is that no matter what we do or how much we know, we will always have something new to surprise us and even contradict us at times. Why? Because we are human, imperfect, and prone to error.
The only instance of a human in recorded history to be without error is Jesus Christ. The most interesting aspect of it all is the the number of prophecies written about him before his birth that he fulfilled. How is it that humans were able to predict so many things about him so accurately with no history or data to base them on when we can't even predict the weather accurately with tons of data, history, scientific discoveries, etc. to aid us. We get close sometime, but the accuracy isn't there. Imagine if you will a weatherman that predicts exactly how much rain, to the thousandth of an inch, that you will receive in your back yard. Would you believe him? Would you be amazed if he was right? I'm pretty sure that you would scoff and say lucky guess if he got it right. Yet, Jesus's birth, life, teachings, and death were all accurately predicted hundreds of years before his birth. Jesus himself predicted his death and resurrection, Peter's denial, his betrayer, and many other things. Simply amazing.
Thanks for reading and, as always, have a great day.
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