It's good Friday. Amazing how the world views things. I had an athiest friend post on Facebook that he couldn't understand how Christians could call the torture and murder of "their supposed saviour". The fact is that we are not celbrating his torutre and murder. We are celebrating his sacrifice. He chose to die for us so that we may live. To be truly innocent of all wrong and to still die in our place is something beyond our comprehension and something we don't deserve and yet he did it. It is called Good Friday because without his death he could not have risen again. Without his shedding of blood, we could not be redeemed. Without his sacrifice, we could not enter the kingdom of heaven. I recommend reading any book by Lee Strobel if you are asking questions about the Christian faith. I just finished his book "A Case for Faith" and it was inspiring. He is a former Athiest and he does such a wonderful job of using logic and reason to answer some of the most critical questions about Christianity. The summation he gives in the aforementioned book sums it up nicely. God is so loving he gives us what we truly want in regards to our relationship with him. If we desire any kind of relationship with him, he will give us everything we need to find him and draw nearer. If, however, we should decide we want nothing to do with him, he gives us everything we need to deny him as well even though it grieves him. This weekend we celebrate, not Jesus's death, but his gift of eternal life. We celbrate his forgiveness and his sacrifice to conquer the grave so that we may live. Thank God for his mercy and grace granting us what we did not deserve but so desperately needed. As is so often quoted, He paid a debt he did not owe and forgave us a debt we could never pay.
May you have a great Easter weekend and reflect on what grace and mercies God has granted you. God bless.
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