Today was a good day. I made wieght for my Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) and I do the actual fitness part tomorrow. I am not really worried about it, I just need to do well so I can get off of remedial PT. I was about to rant about the Navy's fitnes program (I had actully gotten up to 3 rather large paragraphs) when I realized that you probably don't really care. If you aren't in the Navy, it isn't relevant. If you are in the Navy, you've either heard it, or you've said it, so why waste my time? The fact is, we all have something that we can complain about. The question is, do you have a solution?
Let me share a bit of wisdom. No one cares about a complaint, but if you share a solution to a problem, you can make people think about it and maybe get it fixed. The reason? Simply put, a problem has a solution, but a complaint can't be fixed. When people complain, they are percieved as whiners and are not attractive because they can't be pleased. If you offer a solution, no matter how off the wall, with percieved problems, you may aid in fixing the situation, or maybe learn just why it is that way; either way you are no longer a whiner, but an insightful person. As a wise man once said to me, "sometimes the reason the problem exists is because no one offered a solution."
To finish today's post I will leave you with this. There is no problem so large that it can't be solved through careful consideration, a little work, and the right people. Take care, and look at each problem as a solution waiting to happen.
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