Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday randomness.

     So another day, another blog.  So many little things going on.  Installed my first window last night.  In the dark.  In my friedns house.  I am now convinced that things like that should best be left to professionals.  Not that it didn't turn out O.K., I just didn't like the experience.  Tonight, I get to spend a few hours in a crawl space installing plumbing.  The upside?  I get to go shopping at Lowe's first and it's payday.  Maybe I'll get a new tool.  Maybe not.  I have a big vacation coming up.  Turns out, we have to finish this plumbing and get a tub installed today.  Should be fun.  We proved last night that once we get going, things go pretty fast.  It's getting started that takes time.  Kinda like an old car.  It may take a few miles to get up to speed, but once it's there, stopping is not an option.

    Anyway, I am trying to keep things short and light today since yesterdays post was a bit of a...well whatever it was, it wasn't light or short.  I have so much on my plate right now that I don't really know where to start.  Between what I need to do for retirement, setting myself up for ease of transition out of the navy with the house, fixing the house, work, the wife and kids, most days I just end up staring at the TV and watching my head explode.  I have decided that once I get back from vacation, I will bear down and get it all done.  Do what I can when I can how I can and just do it.  I will do what I can afford to do at home and hopefully it will be enough to sell the house.  Damn, there went light so Here goes short.  Have a nice day and keep yourself going.


  1. Joe, I've done all the pluming here at my house. For hot & cold water, my friend that that does it professionally uses Wirsbo. It looks like plastic, bends like plastic, is clear like plast; but if you bend, stretch, tie it in knots and then light it with a blow-torch, it returns to its original form.

    Since your in the crawl space, I assume you are using ABS? for drain and vent piples. A good miter saw with a high tooth count is worth its weight in gold. If you are working with hot/cold water and copper pipe (1/2", or 3/4") - it is good to have both the small and larger pipe cutters. Hope it goes well. Re: the pipe cutter, if you screw the down too fast as you turn, you'll end up with a "tip" on the inside of the pipe. You probably know all this... cheers

  2. Water lines in are done. CPVC is what is required for hot water and for consistency's sake, I used for the cold as well. The drain is ABS, but I have to get the Tub installed first. That turned out to be more of a fiasco than originally thought. The home owner left on Vacation for a few days, so we will finish up when he gets back. Hopefully it won't take that long.
