Today's post is directed at my fellow believers. While it should come as no surprise that I am a Christian (at least I hope it isn't a surprise), this post is not meant to push you away. It is just something that I felt the need to say. I gave that warning so that those of you who have decided that "all things God are wrong" and get angry at the mere mention of religion can be aware of what this post contains. I would encourage you to read it, but I don't expect it. It is your choice and one I respect. Thank you for following my blog. I hope this doesn't chase you away from it. Have a great day. For the rest of you, please read on.
Things are always the most interesting when you challenge God. Just a quick hint, God wins...always. You may think you are winning and that you have proven him wrong, but you need to remember that he knows just how big a fall it takes to bring you to him. Some of us only need to stub our toe, while others require getting a bit closer to meeting him in person. Some think that just because God doesn't answer immediately, he isn't going to. All you have to remember is, God's schedule and your schedule are not necessarily the same. God has eternity, you don't.
I always find it funny when my wife gets angry at shows that contradict her beliefs. At least until I realize that a lot of people are like that. Of all the things I have learned from the bible, the lesson I find the most interesting is the lesson of patience with others. Take James, Jesus's brother, for instance. James refused to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. What makes this so amazing is that, of all the people in the world at the time, James knew more about him than anyone. Yet he refused to believe. We don't know why, it isn't really pointed out. It took Jesus's resurrection to convince him. What this means to me is that God will reveal what he needs to to those that need it when they need it and until that time, they will refuse to believe. I have to think that of all the people to disbelieve in Jesus, James hurt the most, and yet God was patient. He knew that once James witnessed the resurrection, that he would realize the truth and become the leader he needed to be.
It is the same today. We have to have patience with other people's beliefs. they just haven't been properly introduced to God. I am not saying that they need to be physically introduced, that is extreme. I am saying that we have to have patience and introduce God to them by showcasing what he has done for us. We have to live in a way that stands out. If you are blending in and keeping your head down, you are probably not living as Christ wants you to live. To live as a Christian is to be fundamentally different. When you make a decision based on your faith, you have to call it that, you can't blame it on your schedule or on your wife. The best example I can come up with is a topless club. If a guy asks you to go and you respond with any excuse other than "I believe that is wrong and I refuse to go there," you are being dishonest with the person who asked you and your faith. That is the hardest thing for you to do, live in your faith and by what you know is right in a society that redirects the norms toward the immoral.
I think the biggest mistake that we as Christians make, is to try and push our beliefs and morals on others through laws and extremist actions. What I am saying is that, we have to live with in the society and prove that our way is better by living it, not by beating others with it. There are some things we do need to take a stand on and share our beliefs. There are somethings we need to help direct laws towards, particularly when it comes to our children. If something can adversely affect our children and how we raise them, then by all means we need to ensure we push laws to protect them. Otherwise, we end up driving more people away from the faith than towards it.
While we may be passionate about something, we have to be able to argue for our beliefs to the public without basing our arguments on our faith. While it may be true that our faith is what drives our arguments, today's society has decided that anything faith based is wrong. What this means is that the instant you mention your faith in an argument, you have lost against a non believer, because at that moment, they have decided you are a religious nut and thus everything you say is based on your beliefs and not rooted in fact. Regardless of whether or not it is true, that is what they believe. I know, because I was one of them for many years. "The bible says it? Then it is a useless argument, no further action required. Negate all previous comments." That is the modern mantra and what I followed until I started looking at the facts. God brought me around by logic and truth. Although the bible was involved, it wasn't what ultimately brought me back to God, it was examples set by other Christians through actions and logic.
The interesting thing in all of this is that I have yet to find a single belief and moral direction in the bible that you can't argue without mentioning the bible. What I mean is that you can convince nearly anyone that what the bible directs is right and needs to be done without mentioning the bible or God in any way. Then when you convince them of the biblical standard (without using the bible) you get to see the look on their face when you reveal your source.
I guess through all this, the main theme is, live your life through faith to the best of your ability and god will take care of you and the rest. People will judge you on your actions, even if they ignore or dismiss your words. I believe that your words support your actions, not the other way around. Actions will always reveal the truth eventually. You may be real good at hiding that little vice you have, but I guarantee, at some point, someone will discover it and your actions will reveal the truth, or falsehood, of your words.
Thank you for reading. I know that this won't change a lot of minds, but it is what I think needs to be said. Have a great day.
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