Yes, it is Thanksgiving week and I am continuing the theme. I know I said I wouldn't, but I can't help it. I have to say just how thankful I am for my wife. She told me she read my blog and then she informed me that it was definitely me. I have been married long enough to realize that responding, "who else would it have been?" would have been a bad idea and so I let the opportunity pass. The strange thing is, I know she would have just chuckled, OK, maybe not chuckled, more likely she would have given me that smirk she has; either way she would have laughed it off to a certain degree. She gets me (most of the time) which is a good thing. Even when no one else does, she is there to lean over and whisper in my ear, "say you're sorry and try something different." The other phrase she gets good at is, "I don't think I am the only one that didn't get it." She is usually right. The really sad part of that is that usually I didn't get it either. It's pretty bad when your wife gets something you didn't and you are the one that said it. It has happened to me (not that I admit it).
She not only gets me, she understands what I mean when I say, "I am normal, for me." It takes someone really talented (or really insane) to put up with me for so long. She is definitely the anchor that keeps me from drifting into the reef with the stranger tides. Take the time I told her I could relate to jack sparrow and understood where he was coming from, she simply said, "I know."
There are times that I wonder why she doesn't laugh at one of my jokes, then I realize she smiled even though I had used that joke at least a hundred times before. You may think I am kidding, but I have literally used some of my jokes that much. I forget that they aren't original and use them. It isn't until my wife rolls her eyes and sighs that I realize what I have done. At least she doesn't get mad.
She is also the kind of lady that won't let go of something she is right about until I admit it. I can be stubborn too, but when she gets that look in her eye, I tend to surrender and she is usually right. Usually it is about money. Usually because I want to spend it and she doesn't. I guess that is why we can afford to have what we have. I love her for it and am so thankful she is in my life. I am really good at convincing myself that a want is a need that I can be real stubborn about it. Thankfully she is patient with me and can usually convince me how wrong I am. the wonderful thing is, she knows just how often to let me have that want. Often enough to keep my hopes up and keep me happy, but not so often that I break the bank.
She is also a wonderful mother. I think that she knows more about our boys than I do. Which is fine since she is with them more than I am (as much as I would like that to be different). I couldn't do it without her.
I could go on and on, but I can already feel her face turning red. It does turn a lovely shade of red when she is embarrassed (so does my shoulder if I embarrass her to much, but that is besides the point). I couldn't live without her and that is all that there really is to say. I am so thankful for her. So thank you dear.
Have a great day. Only one more post for this week so see you then.
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