Friday, July 22, 2011

Aha Moments.

     This has been a weird morning.  I am now coming to terms with just how old I am.  What made me realize this, you ask?  I have had several aha moments in just the last hour.  It is amazing just how much stuff I forgot and how quickly I forgot it.  Then you get those moments where you see or read something and it sparks your memory.  For instance, we need creamer for our coffee for camping.  I had completely forgotten about it (by the way, we were at the store just last night) and this morning on the way in, I was enjoying my usual cup of coffee (see my Happy Hump Day post for this week) and I said to myself, "this coffee is awesome, I wonder if it is the creamer?"  Ding! Aha moment.  Then I was reading a funny story on the Internet about someone trying to figure out which ink cartridge to get for their printer and: Ding! Aha moment.  Turns out we've been out of black ink in our printer for about a month (amazingly enough the color side prints it out, but the darn printer refuses to acknowledge that it is out of black ink).
     You would think this wouldn't surprise me.  I have aha moments more often than I would like to admit.  The unfortunate side is that I seldom have paper and pen to write it down.  Ding! Aha moment.  I need to remember to pack paper for our camping trip.  This isn't helping.  Maybe it isn't age, but genetics.  I seem to remember growing up and watching my dad have the same problems.  I remember the look on his face as he seemingly wandered the aisles at the hardware store.  I thought he just wasn't sure where something was, now that I think about it, I realize he was actually trying to remember exactly what it was he needed.  I also remember that as I got older he wrote down more information before going to the store and spent less time wandering the aisles.  I just never put two and two together until now.  Ding! Aha moment.  Take a hint from dad and carry a note pad and pen to write down things I think of.  Now that I think of it, that isn't an original thought.  I have a lot of aha moments and I think to myself, "I should write this down somewhere."  Then I promptly forget to write it down.  I probably won't remember this five minutes after I post this.  Ding! aha moment.  Email it now.  Be right back.......

1 comment:

  1. This is why I love my Android. I use a task list that allows me to set reminders based on my location as well as time of day. I swear I don't know how I ever remembered anything before I got this phone.
