This weekend we are going camping again. Should be fun. We have enough firewood and we are going to a new campground (new to us anyway). I will also have my fishing license for the first time here in WA. Should be interesting. The downside? The forecast calls for rain Saturday. We'll see how it works out. might be interesting.
I figure that since it is the weekend and this is my last post until Monday it should be a bit more upbeat than some of my non hump day posts. I mean really, who likes starting their weekend on a down beat. Yes, I am sure there are some out there, I just hope that they are getting the help they need. The up beat that I wish to convey will be in the form of a philosophical, for lack of a better word, rant.
The only time we should ever allow ourselves to be depressed to the point of uselessness is when...OK, I can't think of a time. There is always something we can do to make our situations better, or something we can find that makes life a little easier to live. Anytime I find myself a little down or in a situation I don't like, I look back and look to others lives for inspiration. I find that, as Americans we really don't have a lot that we can honestly call a true hardship. Take today for example. I just found out that I have swings overtime this weekend. Thus we will only be able to camp one night if at all. The upside is that I will have next weekend off, maybe. But I have a job, a family, and the ability to go camping. Plus, I get to go home now. So you all have a wonderful day and enjoy the weekend.
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