Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nothing important

    Today, my sons are having friends over for their first sleep over.  This should be interesting.  A bunch of 8 year olds sleeping away from home for the first time.  Anyone else expecting a bit of anxiety?  At least they all live close enough that it won't take long for them to get home.  I remember when I grew up sleep overs were a bit more complicated.  My closest friend was a mile away and thus sleep overs were not something you could back out of.  We'll see how it goes.
     There really isn't anything pressing on my mind today, so I have no idea where this is taking me.  Want to come along for the ride?  The wife and I are still looking for a realtor to aid us in selling our house.  We haven't really gotten anything solid yet and are still wondering which direction to go.  I really hope we find one soon.  I am up in the air about where we will go when I retire.  To be honest, I have had reservations about returning to Iowa and am unsure of where I need to be.  I still have a while to figure it out, but it is something that is eating at me.  First things first though, and that is getting the house sold.  We'll figure it out.  We usually do.  Not much else to say today.  Seems that I said enough the past couple of days.  Have a great day.  And have fun.

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