Happy Hump Day. I can't think of a better way to say good morning than that. Especially since good morning is an oxymoron. If ever there were two words that didn't belong together it is those two. It's like trying to put a KKK member on a blind date with a black woman, the two will just never get along. What is it about waking up that angers people so much. You would think that waking up would make people a little more happy since it means you survived the night. I could understand anger at waking up if it was to a stabbing pain in your chest due to say...a stabbing. Then again, I am one of those angry morning people. At least until I get my coffee.
Speaking of coffee, why is it that it can remove my anger so completely after just one cup. It is awesome. There are times I am tempted to find out if this wonderful magic elixir works on my three year old. That little bugger is so angry when he wakes up and it takes hours for him to be happy. Some people would claim it is just because it wakes you up, but I believe there is something more. Otherwise, how do you explain the fact that there are so many coffee shops here in the wonderful state of Washington? I mean I pass a good dozen drive through espresso stands on my way to work every morning. You can't tell me that people here are that much more tired than everywhere else. It has to be a happy maker. I used to call coffee go-go juice as it helped me go-go, but I think it should be renamed to happy juice. I am only half way through my first cup of the morning and the day is already getting better. Even my wife is happier after a cup and that takes work sometimes. I'm no scientist, but I think this requires more study. I volunteer to be one of the test subjects, I could use the free coffee. Knowing my luck though, I would probably end up being part of the control group and thus denied my coffee. On second thought, just tell me the results and leave my coffee alone.
What is it about coffee that even people who don't drink coffee (why wouldn't you like coffee? I don't get it.) like the smell? It amazes me just how powerful just the smell of coffee is. I'll buy a bag of special grind at the store and the aroma permeates the car. The whole way home I'll smile and enjoy the aroma. We take it camping with us and the aroma that wafts out of the camper as we set it up, just makes the day that much better.
There is only one downside to coffee that I have found. It makes going to sleep at night a bit difficult. I hate that I have to stop drinking it 4 hours before I want to go to sleep. Have you ever had a staring contest with a coffee maker? It looks at you with that gleaming half full pot. It points out the creamer in the fridge and wafts that wonderful aroma across the house at you. It tells you that one more cup won't matter and then turns itself on to warm the remains for you. It is just so hard to ignore.
OK, I need help. By reading what I just wrote, I realize I have an addiction. Granted, it isn't one I really want to give up, I'm just pointing out the obvious before you do. Aside from the addiction, it seems that I have inanimate objects talking to me. I find that to be a bit disconcerting. Well, my coffee cup is empty and I really need to refill it. So, until next time, Have fun, enjoy yourself, and don't take life to seriously. Now, where's that coffee stand?
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