Friday, January 27, 2012

Military Intelligenc and Political Math: Oxymorons and Oddities

           So, it is Friday.  So many things to talk about.  I get to stand by an admirals car to make sure that the base police don't ticket it because the plan is to have him park illegally.  Never mind that the Captain could call base police and ask nicely.  Never mind that the cars will have their own drivers.  Never mind that these 4 cars will be next to each other.  I did mention they had detailed 4 of us to do this, didn't I?  Yup, Navy logic.  Better to keep 4 sailors out in the cold than to ask the Captain to ask another Captain for a favor for an Admiral.  There, I have it out of my system, sort of.
            I did a little looking and realized that the military could cut its budget drastically by simply returning classic duties to the military.  You know, like guarding our bases (currently contracted to civilians), maintaining the bases (contracted to civilians), and doing the admin (you know, what yeomen are for).  Instead we contract all that out.  The security of our bases is particularly galling.  When you think about it, we are being severely overcharged for something we can provide ourselves.  The contract to maintain our base security is in the millions.  When you figure out what it would cost to man the gates with military members, you find that they are less than half the cost of the civilians.  Even if you stood up an entirely separate division.  Yet, we are looking at cutting back more on the military side and giving more of our military duties to civilian contractors to "save money."  That was in quotes because I don't see how paying a civilian to do a military job at a higher rate than it would cost for the military member to do it saves money.  Then again, I am not a politician and I don't understand their math.
             Well, that's my two cents.  It was free of charge so there is no refund.  Thanks for reading and, as always, have a great day.

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