I just noticed it has been over a week since my last post. I apologize for that, it has been a busy and weird week. Last week, it snowed as many of you know. This prevented me from going to work and kept me at home with the wife and kids. I had fun with them, but time got away from me and I was unable to post anything. A quick update, the drier finally died and we have since replaced it. In the process, we had to replace the vent ducting for it and decided to go with an indoor vent. It is an interesting device and cut the replacement cost in half and does a great job of heating the boys bathroom and the dining room. The only problem with it is that it also raises the humidity. Now the Washer is threatening to go. Oh well, at least the house is still standing.
I keep finding myself stuck in a quandary of what to post. I have made my stance on many things known and do not feel the need to reiterate them again just to incite argument. I think it would be wrong to do so as that is the only reason I can see to re post my stance on any one of these hot topic issues. I try to keep myself up to date on current events and comment as I see appropriate, but I find myself hitting on the same issues again and again. The only outcome of those posts is anger and disappointment. Unless something new comes up or I get a request for a rehash, I think I will try to keep from revisiting those topics.
That leaves me with the question of what to write. I think I will talk about voting. This year it is obviously important to vote. I intend to vote here in Washington for the first time as a Washingthon citizen. It should be interesting. I would encourage everyone to vote. Not just to check a box, to make sure they are informed. In other words, you need to make sure you know who you are voting for and why. Further, the answer to why, should never be, because they belong to X party. Learn about the candidates. What qualifies them for the job. If they are up for DA, how long have they been practicing criminal justice. If they are up for the legislature, what qualifies them to lead? How do they intend to do as they promise? What is their track record and what has happened recently that might change how they act? these are the important questions.
As for the Presidential seat, you have to ask yourself, does the candidate really have a clue as how to lead or is he just a pretty face that can make a speech? The president isn't just a bill signer, he is also the military's commander in chief. When there are tough military decisions to be made, can you trust your candidate to make the right ones? The president is also the face of America to many nations. Can you trust him not to alienate allies and incite enemies? Their are so many factors that go into who you vote for as the president, that you can't trust just the media. All media has bias, some more obvious than others, and thus you need to research on your own. Check sources, and compare. Somewhere in the middle is the truth. Just remember, three different sites is not necessarily three different sources. Check the author and their sources.
Then you get to throw in ballot measures. Those pesky little things that are put to the people. Last year we had a measure that, when passed, allowed stores here in Washington to sell hard liquor for the first time (the state used to run liquor stores). There was a lot of advertisements and hype from both sides. Only by reading the actual initiative and summary, could you make an informed decision.
The gist of all of this is simply, be informed. You have homework before you vote, if you want to be a good and proper voter. The upside is that after you vote, if the candidate/initiative you voted for wins, you won't be as surprised by his actions and can actually defend your decision.
With this in mind, I think I will start researching on candidate per month starting next month and share my findings and views with you. I will try and make sure that I state what is fact, what is conjecture, and what is opinion (min or otherwise) so that you can make informed decisions. Unfortunately, we won't know who will actually be on the ballot for a few months so I will start with the incumbents as most are running again and will most likely be on the ballot. That being said, expect to see my report on Obama by the end of February.
That is about it for today. Thanks for reading and, as always, have a great day.
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