Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year: resolutions for a new me.

          Welcome back.  This is the first post of the new year and I just want to start out the year right.  It was a great holiday season.  I got to spend a lot of time with my family and we had a good time.  Took the entire family roller skating.  They all had a blast.  The 4 year old enjoyed himself as well, which was great.  Christmas went well as did the New Year, so there is that. 
            I know this is a day late by some estimates, but I just wanted to make sure I got it all worked out before I got on here.  First day back to work and all that.  I was kep t busy with office emails and package reviews, but today looks like it may be a bit slower. 
            Now for the question I know you want the answer to (then again, maybe it is just my ego speaking), what are my new year's resolutions?  Resolutions are made based on things you need to improve and the only way to find those things is to reflect on the past year.  I chose resolutions I could accomplish, but required a change in me to complete.  Resolutions that not only meant something to me, but to others as well.  That is also why I chose to share them.  If you have a goal and fail to share it, you remove accountability.  Share your resolutions with those they affect, that way they can help you keep them.  You also need to communicate with the people who will help you with your resolutions what you mean by them and how you plan to accomplish them.  If you say you want to lose weight (not a comment on any of you, just an easy target), then you need to explain how you plan on doing it, otherwise, you may find the help you get is advice you have already recieved a dozen times and advice you hate.  Anyway, you need to take the time ot make your resolutions, write them down, and follow through.  Now on to my resolutions.
            The first is to actually be more involved in the family.  This sounds like something that should be easy, but as I looked back I realized that I would get home, turn on the TV, and tune out the family.  I want to be a bigger part of their lives.  With that in mind, the resolution means that TV will be a family event, vice a me event as much as possible.  I will still have a few shows that are mine, but I am going to stop surfing to "see what's on" until after I have been able to spend time with the boys.  They deserve it.
           The second resolution is simply to stick to my work out and diet regime.  I need to do this to make sure I pass my last physical fitness assessment (PFA), the Navy's way of weeding out the fat people.  I should be able to pass it as long as I work out and diet.  The last PFA was nearly a failure as my work outs were inconsitant at best and my diet was erradic.  This cycle, I am determined to do my best.  I will still make dinners as much as possible, but I will just start limiting my portions.
             The final resolution I made is to be more involved in my church.  Since we have decided to stay out here, we decided that this was definitely our church.  I already do a lot with the church, but I need to find more ways to be involved.  This will mean a shuffling of priorities, but I think it is something I need to do.
            So what about you, what resolutions did you make?  Or did you decide it wasn't worth it since you can't keep them anyway? 

1 comment:

  1. I thought of this right after I read your post.
