Today is going to be weird. I can feel it. For some unknown reason I ache and an feeling funny. Then as I sat here at my desk, one of my lens pops out of my glasses and I hear the screw bounce on the desk. I look down and the screw is just sitting there. Luckily I had a spare pair of glasses (my safety glasses) in my bag. I went to the tool room and they had the right tool and I was able to repair my glasses. The amazing thing is the fact that, not only did I not lose the screw, I was able to get it repaired quickly and without a hassle. If that weren't enough, I have a CO's call this afternoon and then my brother in law, Joe, is arriving this afternoon from Boise, ID. Both my wife and I are at a complete loss as to what we are having for meals the next two days (we can't seem to agree on what day we are doing what or how). In other words, it is pretty much a normal weekend, confusion, last minute planning, and general frustration abound. That being said, I am looking forward to the weekend. It should be interesting with soccer games and my brother in Law's visit.
Now for the meat of today's post. There are some things we leave unsaid that really need to be said. Things like: "I love you," to your spouse and children. "Thank you," to anyone and everyone who does something for you, even if it is their job. "You're welcome," to thank yous both said and unsaid. "I care," to those we care for. "Come back when you get the chance," to those we say good bye to. Sometimes the unsaid needs to be said, just because it validates a thought. Sometimes it needs said because those hearing really need to hear it. Sometimes it needs to be said because some of us are dense and don't take hints to well. And sometimes it needs to be said just because it is the right thing to do.
Then there is the other side of this. Things that are said that really shouldn't be. Things like: "You're dumb," to anyone. You can replace dumb with any negative adjective (i.e. stupid, worthless, ugly, etc). "You were an accident," to your children. "Shut up," to anyone. The list could go on, but you get the idea.
Words are powerful. The right words at the right time can uplift and brighten a day, while the wrong words can destroy a life. The right words can illuminate a darkened path, while the wrong words can blind us from the truth. Unmeant words, spoken often enough, lose their meaning, while meant words unspoken never have any meaning. Untrue words spoken often enough, can reveal the truth, while true words spoken not at all become lost.
Words are how we share who we are and what we desire. They reveal our nature to those who hear them. They bare our souls to those around us. While our silence can speak volumes, it can be just a few words that remove the mystery of us. It has been said, "It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt." Truer words have never been spoken, for it is through our words that we reveal the most.
While actions can speak quite loudly, a whispered phrase spoken uncaring can put the lie to those actions. We are all human and thus opinionated and subject to error. To provide another quote I found profound, "Everyone has a right to their opinion, but not all opinions are right." An opinion is just that, an opinion. It is how we see life. It is how we interpret the world around us. Otherwise, it is either a truth, or a lie. Truth is something supported by evidence. Truth can be a basis for an opinion or the revelation of a fact. You cannot argue truth, for it simply is. A lie, though, is the antithesis of truth. While the truth can destroy a lie, lies can never displace truth. A lie is meant to deceive, and it can, for a while, but it will eventually be revealed as such. The idea that truth is subjective is as ludicrous as saying a lie could be truth. A truth is just that, true. To believe otherwise is to hold nothing as true.
I realize that this maybe a heavy thought for a Friday morning, but it is what it is. There is no underlying reason for this post. No one hurt me, nor did I hurt anyone that I am aware of (at least no one that I haven't made it right with already). I just felt I had to share what was on my heart. I guess this is in response to several comments on the news stories I read today. Conspiracy theories, hateful posts, and the like always seem to upset me. Sorry if I came across as accusatory or self righteous, I did not mean to be either.
Have a great day and weekend. I will write again on Monday. As always, feel free to comment or suggest topics you wish me write on. Thank you.
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