I know it is Happy Hump Day, but I have some stuff I need to get out of the way first. As I informed you yesterday...I said hold your horses, I will try and be funny in a minute....anyway, as I was saying, yesterday I informed you I tried out for a part in my churches Christmas Musical, "Annie!", I find out today if I got the part I want or a different part. I didn't get a call back, but that doesn't mean I didn't get the part. Next, I want to let you know that the link over there ------> is a link to what was formally "Joe's Story Time." I decided to change the name to the title of the story and then I added a new post to it. Check it out if you want. I actually started writing that story years ago and have since updated it to match my developing style.
Now to the funny (I hope). There is only so much you can do when you discover that life has been planning something for you with out your consent or knowledge. This has happened to me on several occasions and continues to happen regularly. I think, "hey, Tuesday is clear, I think I will mow the lawn Tuesday and enjoy today (Saturday) with the family." Good plan, at least it was to me. Then life raises its head in the guise of my lovely wife and says, "Oh, by the way, your son has soccer practice and you need to help his brothers with homework, make dinner, and there are clothes in the wash that need put into the dryer. Thanks." Your welcome. The grass isn't up to my knees yet, so I guess it's OK. It wasn't until I look back at the previous week and realize I should have seen this coming. My boy has been going to practice for 3 weeks now, so I should know the schedule. The kids did just start school, so I should have guessed they might have homework. OK, I get it, I made a bad plan. Can we just move on?
It seems that no matter what I do, that period of time from September to June (also known as the "school year"), becomes a practice of what to do when. Or more accurately, what day isn't there something scheduled. For us, it is.....let me think about this for a minute.....Oh, yeah, Saturday....no wait, we have games Saturday....Friday!.....No, that's....wait, yeah, Friday....After 4pm.....when the kids get home from school....after dinner.....so, that doesn't really work then....Sunday?....afternoon....between football and....OK, I give. I think if we skip football on Sunday (sorry dear), we might be able to get an hour or two together as a family to go out and do something.
What is it with scheduling things these days. Growing up, I felt connected and had a great time and we only had things scheduled for Sunday's and Wednesday nights. It seems these days that unless you have things scheduled for every day of the week, you are depriving your kids. Really? Do they really need to remain that busy. What happened to doing chores, cleaning house, studying, and just spending time with family? I don't think most kids could tell you what Uno is, let alone what a family game night is.
Speaking of Uno, why is it that young kids are the cruelest players? Take my 6 year old for example. We try to avoid sitting next to him because he plays any mean card he can as soon as he can. I understand that it is part of the game and most of us do it, but does he really have to giggle maniacally and then look at you so innocently afterwards? At least my 10 year old has the decency to look evil when he plays mean. My ten year old is another story altogether. He actually actively plots out who and when he is going to attack. I have actually seen him go through three wild cards to play his single blue card because it was a draw two and he really needed to play it on his brother. It was just a little disturbing. Then my 8 year old just plays to get rid of cards. He may have the basic premise down, but he tends to lose sight of the fun. Then again, he does seem to win quite often. It is amazing just how much you can learn of your kids personalities over a game.
I guess I just got lucky that I grew up in a home that loved playing games. It is where I learned how to play by the rules and accept challenges. I think that this is what I am trying to teach my sons. My wife tells me to be nice and let them win sometimes. I just can't do that. I don't recall my dad ever letting me win. I had to earn my wins. Sometimes I think my dad had to have cheated as much as he won. But now I know that he just didn't take it easy on me or my siblings. I don't think I ever beat my dad at chess and he regularly beat me at Cribbage. Dad was and is a competitor at heart. We all love games and can't wait to play again. I try and teach my boys to play games all the time. Sometimes, we just can't find the time due to schedules and life in this day and age in general.
Well, This may not have been that funny, but I enjoyed writing it. Right now, life is calling and letting me know it is time to go. Thank you for reading and keep playing. Have a great day.
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