Wow, it's already lunch. Where did the time go? I will admit I did spend a fair amount of time this morning complaining about the new Face Book lay out with the guys in the office. Turns out we all found it equally horrifying. For some reason the people that run the sight have the Navy mentality. The one that says, "If we change it, it is an improvement and we always have to improve it." Never mind that the change made it worse. It was a change and thus an improvement. Never mind that it is now next to impossible to figure out what was posted in the past 12 hours since you last logged on. It was a change and thus an improvement. Never mind that, and forgive the yelling, WE DIDN'T ASK FOR IT. It was a change and thus an improvement.
This attitude is one of the many reasons I would not go beyond 20 years of service in the Navy if I had my choice. What makes it even worse in the Navy is the fact that sometimes the change is simply adding to the current policy. It says to me, "the original policy was good enough, but if I make an additional requirement I made things better." This is not only wrong, but makes thing harder and worse. Just once I want someone to look at the policies in place, and remove requirements to make things better. The idea that you can't remove requirements that were made at your level by your predecessor because it might, and I quote here, "confuse the watch stander" is ludicrous. If removing onerous and excessive requirements would be confusing, what do you think adding on to them will do? It makes no sense, but then again, a favorite quote amongst the leaders here is, "The Navy doesn't have to make sense and usually doesn't."
I just realized that it is Happy Hump day and I am not being very happy. Instead, it appears I did a Manic Monday post. I hate it when I get angry on my happy days. Sorry, I apologize for my rant and will now penalize myself by mowing the lawn this afternoon and maybe fixing the boys' bikes. Interesting though this week has been, it just keeps getting better. There was no sarcasm in that. Rehearsal is going great and I love the part I got. I did another section on my story page. I just received a certificate entitling me to 96 hours of special liberty (a free 4 day weekend) and I am looking forward to it all. Except the mowing the yard part. I could do without that. Oh, yeah, I found out the check engine light on my truck could be a simple crack in my exhaust, a vacuum hose, or a loose gas cap. I doubt the last because of the timing, but either way, there is no real risk in taking my time to repair it. I should be able to fix it next paycheck. We'll see.
Once again, I apologize for the lack of the usual post. I will make it up to you somehow. I just am not feeling very funny right now. Have a great day and don't take yourself to seriously. No one else does.
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