Cast party tonight went great. We had a great time and were able to honor those who thought they were able to hide behind the scenes. OK, maybe they weren't hiding so much as serving where they were most able. Either way, they finally received the recognition they deserved. We couldn't have done it without them. As Trey said, you don't realize just how many people beyond the actors are required to pull off a successful show. We actors sometimes forget that or find a way to overlook them in our arrogance. It is humbling to realize just how much work those behind the scenes put into the show. Thanks again.
Now that I've gone all sentimental, I think it is time for me to move on to something that bugged me a bit. Today on the way to work there was an news story about stay at home dads. It would have been a half way decent piece if they hadn't ended it with statistics designed to make men look lazy and useless. The quote was that men on the average are doing a mere 16 hours of house work a week at home. They then went on to say that these stay at home dads finally understood what a stay at home mom did. Let's straighten something out here. I understand exactly what goes into a mothers day and it is busy. I have seen it and understand it. But if you want to throw out numbers here you go. Add to that 16 hours, 40 hours of work to make sure you can afford to stay at home. Add an average of 10 hours commuting to that work. Now add an average of 7 hours doing work not associated to house work. By the way there are 164 hours in a week. The average stay at home mom spends 40 hours a week sleeping. Add another 10 hours a week watching their chosen TV show. Add another 10 hours a week updating their face book and another 10 hours socializing at play dates. The point isn't to make women fell bad, or men to feel more arrogant (heaven knows we don't need that), the point is to acknowledge that sometimes spouting random numbers generates more dissent and hurt than otherwise.
The fact is that with men doing an average of 16 hours a week of house work, we are actually keeping up with our partners and helping out quite a lot. The idea that when we are apart our partner is doing nothing is ludicrous. That is what these stats would have you believe. That if your husband isn't at home doing house work, he is playing; or that if your wife is a stay at home mom, as soon as you leave the house, she sits down in front of the TV and does nothing. I try to follow a basic rule (note I didn't say I always succeed, I am not perfect), as long as my wife is working , so am I. The exception is when I work back shift, then I get to sleep for the first few hours of the day and help the rest before I go to work.
That's my 2 cents. Thanks for reading and, as always, have a nice day.
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