Today I am going to talk about gay marriage VS The Bible. This is a quick rundown on what I believe. It is not all inclusive, but the basis of my beliefs. This is probably the hottest issue we have today and it continues to haunt us. The catalyst for this discussion today, is the fact that New York state just recently passed a law allowing gay marriage. The thing that really disgusts me is the arguments used against us Christians.
I recall having this discussion with one of my FB friends a while ago. At the time I was not as well read on the subject and was unable to effectively counter his arguments as I always operate on the rule that if I can't back it up with my own research, then I shouldn't say it. His argument was that the bible doesn't expressly forbid gay marriage nor homosexuality and thus Christians had no basis for argument. To further compound this is the fact that I continue to see time and again where the bible has been skewed with the gay community stating that God loves them and thus it's OK. While it is true that God loves them, God loves all sinners and will readily forgive and love any sinner who confesses his sin and honestly seeks to come to him. So yes, in that sense, God loves gays, just as he loves all sinners, this doesn't mean that he will ever condone the sin. As for the argument that the bible doesn't forbid homosexuality, that too is wrong. I give you:
1 Timothy 1:8-11
New International Version (NIV)
There are other examples but that is the clearest. As for Gay marriage the answer isn't as clear. The bible doesn't come out and say directly no gay marriage. It does, however, point directly to marriage being between a man and a woman. Every passage I have ever read in the bible that refers to marriage (and I have read nearly all of them), refers to husband and wife. Since the idea that any sex can be husband or wife is a recent development (I would guess the 1960's at the earliest), the argument that this can mean gay marriage is OK is invalid. That would be like implying that when Shakespeare said to light the fags in one of his plays he was meaning to burn the gays. It's just silly. To retroactively apply a modern (albeit twisted) definition of a term to a past document to attain a desired meaning is not only dishonest, but blatantly wrong. Thus, the arguments that the bible is not against gay marriage and homosexuality is flawed at it's most basic sense.
If there is one thing where the bible is most clear, it is the issue of sex. Throughout the entire bible, sex is reserved for marriage. The bible is very clear that, within the confines of marriage, sex is a beautiful and wonderful thing that should be shared intimately and often. Since the bible states that marriage is between a husband and wife (male and female), this means that sex should only be between a man and a woman who are married. Note that I didn't say married couple, I said man and woman who are married. Since sex outside of marriage is wrong and only a man and woman can be husband and wife and husband and wife are male and female, not only is gay marriage wrong so is gay sex. For these reasons, I cannot and will not condone gay marriage. Sorry if this has offended anyone, but it is how I feel on this issue. If you have an argument that is biblical based, please present it. I do not do this out of hate nor will I come and protest at your wedding. I will not preach hate to get my message across, I will simply pass on God's love for you. May god bless and watch over you.
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