Thursday, June 23, 2011


     So, today I got everything I needed to make a new case for my camper's outside grill.  Then, when I got home, I got sidetracked by my wife reminding me that we needed to demoss the roof.  I got my 2 older boys up there along with my wife and we went to work.  After 2 hours of clearing moss, we found we were about a third of the way done.  To make it even more interesting, my oldest inherited his dad's fear of heights.  Anytime I said or did anything that remotely involved how high we were, he immediately would yelp and lay flat.  While it was slightly annoying, it was also rather hilarious as he was never near the edge and the roof has a very gentle slope.  Luckily I was able to keep from laughing.  I just had to remember how scared I was of heights at his age.
   Speaking of my oldest, I have decided it is time that he cook on his own.  I decided that he would make us Chocolate chip cookies on his own for us tomorrow.  I told him that he can ask, but he is in charge of doing it.  He is nervous, but I am confident he can do it.
     We have decided to try something this summer.  We are going to take each of our kids out one at a time.  Just the kid, mom, and dad.  To make it fair, we have decided to go from oldest to youngest.  Thus, we are trying to line up baby sitting for our 3 youngest for Saturday afternoon.  I left it up to Laura.
    As you can probably tell by now, I really don't have much for a train of though right now.  There really isn't much I on which I wish to comment so I will just call it a day.  Have a good night.

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